Next to the scheduled meeting, the instructor can click Start to launch Zoom and begin the meeting.In the Canvas course, click the Zoom link from the course menu.

Note: While you as an Instructor can start a meeting from this tool using your Personal Meeting Room ID (PMI), students would need to be given a link to this meeting room somewhere else in the course in order to join - they cannot join your Personal Meeting Room via the Zoom LTI, and they do not have a tab for it in their view. When it is time for the scheduled meeting, students and instructors can access the Zoom meeting similarly. If you choose disassociate meeting, that will only remove it from the Canvas class view, but it will remain in your meetings in Zoom. Once a meeting is deleted from upcoming meetings, it will delete it from the view in Canvas and Zoom. All instructors can schedule or import meetings, but only the person who created the meeting can delete it.

This will associate the meeting with your course. To import, all you need is the Meeting ID. If the meeting is already scheduled then you can click the three dots to expand the menu in this area and select Import meeting.

To begin using Zoom, click the link from your course menu. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.Click the three dots next to Zoom on the menu, and select +Enable.From the Course Menu, click Settings, and then select the Navigation tab.Open the course in which you would like to enable the Zoom LTI.Students can also easily join and view upcoming meetings from within their course sites. The Zoom LTI integration with Canvas allows instructors to schedule and manage, and also start or join a meeting all from within Canvas. If this occurs, please adjust your browser settings to standard or custom protections. Please note: if your browser privacy settings are set for strict protection, you may receive an error when you go to access the Zoom LTI or start a meeting you have created.