However, some of them also need to play as different characters in varied settings of the game. The majority of the situations show the player how he must control the Valentine outside his country in a ghost ship seen in the Mediterranean Sea. In the single-player campaign mode of the game, the player is supposed to finish an entire sequence of scenarios accumulated together into different episodes. Resident Evil: Revelations is a video game from the survival-based horror genre in which the player has control of all on-screen characters from the perspective of the third person for interacting with the enemies and the environment. Different critics appreciate its sound effects, horror theme, graphics but it also received criticism because of the fluctuating gameplay amidst the scenarios. The game was a basic success on the commercial level and got appraisal from the publishers of the video game. It was also the foremost game that supported the Circle Pad Pro of Nintendo apart from Japan.

A follow-up, Resident Evil: Revelations was launched in the year 2015. Over different platforms, the HD edition sold over two million copies over the world but got lesser critical appreciation than the 3DS version of Nintendo.

It was the very first game that supported the Nintendo 3DS 3D potential but the features updated the graphics and other slight changes. It was developed for bringing back the horror and content from the root of the series whereas parallel making attempts for modernizing the gameplay. Revelations focus on evasion, exploration, and survival over the high-speed battle by offering the player restricted ammunition, speed of movement, and health.